Managing Your Account

Change Default Shell

When your account is first activated, the default shell is set to bash. The tcsh shell is also available. To change your shell to tcsh, add the following line to the end of the file named .bash_profile, located in your home ($HOME) directory.

exec -l /bin/tcsh

To begin using this new shell, you can either log out and then log back in or execute exec -l /bin/tcsh on your command line.

Change Default Group

Your default group is determined by the group ownership of the home directory. If you are in multiple groups and want to change your default group, use the following command to change the group of the home directory. Replace defgroupname with the name of the group you want to be your default.

chgrp defgroupname $HOME

Log off and log back on for the new default group to take effect.

Set Up User Environment

The Campus Cluster uses the module system to set up the user environment. See Managing Your Environment (Modules) for details.

Password Reset

You can reset your NetID password at the Password Management page.

Illinois Computes Allocations

You can use the following command to see your group’s CPU hours used. Replace account_name with the name of the account you want to check. You can also change the Start date value (yyyy-mm-dd) to suit your needs. Note, this command does not show GPU hours.

sreport -M icc -thour cluster AccountUtilizationByUser account=account_name Start="2022-01-01"

If you hit your predefined hours cap, you are still able to run jobs. Your jobs will just be given a lower priority in the queue. See the Campus Cluster Illinois Computes Queue Policy for complete details. If you need more hours, you can try requesting more through the Illinois Computes program.