Frequently Asked Questions
See the Campus Cluster FAQ page for program and investment related FAQs for investors and users.
When I log in with my SSH client I get an error message like: ‘Unable to negotiate cipher…’
This error message indicates an SSH client compatibiliy issue with the updated system. If you are using an older version of an SSH client, please update it. See SSH Clients for SSH client options.
What happened to the secondary-Eth queue?
The “secondary-Eth” queue is now the “secondary” queue.
Before the January 2025 system update there were two secondary queues: “secondary” (nodes interconnected via InfiniBand) and “secondary-Eth” (nodes interconnected via Ethernet). Now, after the update, all nodes are interconnected via Ethernet, so there is only one secondary queue, “secondary”.
Why does my SFTP connection attempt fail with error message: ‘Received message too long 1751714304’?
This error is usually caused by commands in a shell run-control file (.bashrc, .profile, .cshrc, etc.) that produce output to the terminal. To resolve this, place any commands that will produce output in a conditional statement that is executed only if the shell is interactive.
For example, in the .bashrc file:
if tty -s; then
I have problems transferring data to my home directory on the Campus Cluster – I get 0 byte files, partial files, or the files do not transfer at all.
This is often due to being over quota in your home directory. Check your usage with the quota
How can I access numeric and scientific Python modules on the Campus Cluster?
See the output of one of the following commands for the specific modules available on the system.
module avail python
module avail anaconda
Load the needed module into your environment with the following command. Replace modulefile_name
with the name of the module you want to load.
module load modulefile_name