Allocation Information by Resource
If you don’t know which resource you want to use, refer to the NCSA Resources Summary for more information on the NCSA resources and Allocation Information by Allocation Method for more information on the available allocation programs/methods available.
There are four ways to request an allocation on Delta, they are listed below in order of prevalence. For additional information on Delta allocations, please review the Delta: Allocations page.
ACCESS - 90% of Delta is allocated through the Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Support & Services (ACCESS) program. To submit an ACCESS Delta allocation request, go to the get your first ACCESS project page.
Discretionary - A modest portion of the Delta system is discretionarily available to Illinois researchers, primarily to fill needs not met by the ACCESS program. Submit a discretionary Delta request through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Delta - Discretionary Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
NSF NAIRR - A portion of Delta is available for allocation from the National Science Foundation (NSF) National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot program for AI research. Refer to the NAIRR Pilot Program Allocations page for more information. Note, this allocation method is not open continuously.
Other - Allocations for Innovative/Exploratory, Diversity, Science Gateways, and Data Science areas are also available. Submit a support request for more information on these other Delta allocation opportunities.
There are four ways to request an allocation on DeltaAI, they are listed below in order of prevalence. For additional information on DeltaAI allocations, please review the DeltaAI: Allocations page.
ACCESS - Most of DeltaAI is allocated through the ACCESS program. To submit an ACCESS DeltaAI allocation request, go to the get your first ACCESS project page.
Discretionary / Illinois Computes - A portion of the DeltaAI system is discretionarily available to Illinois researchers, primarily to fill needs not met by the ACCESS program. Submit a discretionary DeltaAI request through the NCSA XRAS portal with one of these options:
To submit an Illinois Computes DeltaAI request, choose Start a New Illinois Computes Program Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
To submit a discretionary DeltaAI request, choose Start a New Delta - Discretionary Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
NSF NAIRR - A portion of DeltaAI is available for allocation from the National Science Foundation (NSF) National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot program for AI research. Refer to the NAIRR Pilot Program Allocations page for more information. Note, this allocation method is not open continuously.
Other - Allocations for Innovative/Exploratory, Diversity, Science Gateways, and Data Science areas are also available. Submit a support request for more information on these other Delta allocation opportunities.
There are three ways to request an allocation on Granite.
Illinois Computes Program - Granite storage allocations are available to Illinois researchers, at no cost, through the Illinois Computes program. Submit an Illinois Computes request through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Illinois Computes Program Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
Direct investment - Make a direct investment request for Granite storage allocation by one of these two methods:
Request via the NCSA XRAS portal: choose Start a New Granite Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
Request an access to the HAL cluster by following the apply for a HAL user account instructions in the new user guide.
There are two ways to request access to Hydro.
Illinois Computes Program - Hydro allocations are available to Illinois researchers, at no cost, through the Illinois Computes program. Submit an Illinois Computes request through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Illinois Computes Program Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
NFI - If you are part of an allocated New Frontiers Initiative (NFI) project and would like access to the Hydro cluster, please email with a justification for your need to use the cluster.
Illinois Campus Cluster
There are five ways to request an allocation on the Illinois Campus Cluster.
Illinois Computes Program - Campus Cluster allocations are available to Illinois researchers, at no cost, through the Illinois Computes program. Submit an Illinois Computes request through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Illinois Computes Program Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
Direct compute investment - Refer to the Campus Cluster Buy Compute page for information on how to submit a direct compute investment order.
Direct storage investment - Refer to the Campus Cluster Buy Storage page for information on how to submit a direct storage investment order.
Affiliation with an existing Illinois Campus Cluster investor - If you are affiliated with an existing Campus Cluster investor, submit the Campus Cluster new user request form and select the investor’s queue in the Primary queue dropdown menu.
Access for instruction - Submit the Campus Cluster add class request form to request access for a University course.
Note, this is available for instructors associated with the CS, ENG-INSTRUCTION, ICHASS, and STATSTUDENT primary queues.
Illinois High Throughput Computing (HTC)
There are two ways to request an allocation on Illinois HTC.
Illinois Computes Program - Illinois HTC allocations are available to Illinois researchers, at no cost, through the Illinois Computes program. Submit an Illinois Computes request through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Illinois Computes Program Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
Direct request - Make a direct request for access to Illinois HTC by submitting the Illinois HTC request form.
Innovative Systems Lab (ISL)
Visit the ISL page and reach out to ISL staff to learn more about this unit and how to get involved.
There are three ways to request an allocation on Jade.
Illinois Computes Program - Jade storage allocations are available to Illinois researchers, at no cost, through the Illinois Computes program. Submit an Illinois Computes request through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Illinois Computes Program Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
Direct investment - Make a direct investment request for Jade storage allocation by one of these two methods:
Request via the NCSA XRAS portal: choose Start a New Jade Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
There are two ways to request an allocation on Nightingale.
Illinois Computes Program - Nightingale allocations are available to Illinois researchers, at no cost, through the Illinois Computes program. Submit an Illinois Computes request through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Illinois Computes Program Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
Note, there are Nightingale allocation options under the Compute, Storage, and Data sections of the Illinois Computes Program submission form.
Direct investment - Make a direct investment request for Nightingale through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Nightingale Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
There are two ways to submit an allocation request on Radiant.
Illinois Computes Program - Radiant allocations are available to Illinois researchers, at no cost, through the Illinois Computes program. Submit an Illinois Computes request through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Illinois Computes Program Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
Note, there are Radiant allocation options under the Compute and Data sections of the Illinois Computes Program submission form.
Direct investment - Make a direct investment request for Radiant through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Radiant Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
Research Computing Collaborative Services (RCCS)
RCCS is a partnership between NCSA and Research IT. Visit the RCCS page to learn more. Complete the intake request form to request service support.
Research Consulting Services
Research Consulting resources are available to Illinois researchers, at no cost, through the Illinois Computes program. Submit an Illinois Computes request through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Illinois Computes Program Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
There are three ways to request an allocation on Taiga.
Illinois Computes Program - Taiga storage allocations are available to Illinois researchers, at no cost, through the Illinois Computes program. Submit an Illinois Computes request through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New Illinois Computes Program Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
Direct investment - Make a direct investment request for Taiga storage allocation by one of these two methods:
Request via the NCSA XRAS portal: choose Start a New Taiga Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)
Request access to vForge through the NCSA XRAS portal; choose Start a New vForge Submission. (How to submit a new XRAS portal request.)