DeltaAI User Documentation


DeltaAI is currently in the early access period, which helps NCSA test the system’s functionality and performance. The system is still being configured, with additional services and resources being added and enabled.


DeltaAI is a companion system to Delta. Powered by the NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip, DeltaAI provides powerful compute capabilities for simulation and data science.

DeltaAI enables scientists and researchers to tackle the world’s most challenging problems by accelerating complex artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing applications running terabytes of data. The system triples NCSA’s AI-focused computing capacity and greatly expands the capacity available within the NSF-funded advanced computing ecosystem. NCSA utilizes advanced web-based interfaces that make DeltaAI more accessible to the growing community of research domains employing AI methods in their research, furthering NCSA’s mission to democratize high-performance computing.

Getting Started with High-Performance Computing

There are no specific prerequisite courses or high-performance computing (HPC) experience required before using DeltaAI. However, if you are unfamiliar with using a HPC cluster, it is highly recommended that you take NCSA’s short tutorial Using an HPC Cluster for Scientific Applications before continuing.

Browse NCSA’s HPC-Moodle for a full list of HPC training opportunities including self-paced tutorials and training events (in-person and virtual).