System Architecture

Nightingale is a HIPAA-capable, RedHat Linux OS, high-performance computing (HPC) cluster designed to support UIUC researchers and collaborators who analyze sensitive, regulated data, like electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) or Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). It provides standard batch computing options and interactive compute nodes.

The compute nodes are a mix of CPU and graphics processor unit (GPU) nodes. The GPU nodes are set up for double-precision (A100) or single-precision (A40) work. The nodes are available as dedicated servers or shared environments, based on the needs of each research project. Nightingale offers database services to support long-term data storage and management, with the ability to share and access relational databases on the system. With 880 TB of high-speed parallel Lustre-based storage, the system supports research needs of sharing data and generating and storing results.

Interactive Login Nodes

  • 2 interactive dual 64-core AMD login nodes, each with 512GB RAM (no GPUs)

Interactive Group Nodes

  • 3 interactive dual 32-core AMD group nodes, each with 512GB RAM and 1 NVIDIA A40 GPU

  • 2 interactive dual 32-core AMD group nodes, each with 512GB RAM and 2 NVIDIA A100 GPUs

  • 1 interactive dual 32-core AMD group node with 256GB RAM and 1 NVIDIA A100 GPU

Batch/Interactive Compute Nodes

  • 16 batch/interactive dual 32-core AMD compute nodes, each with 1TB RAM (no GPUs)

  • 1 batch/interactive dual 32-core AMD compute node with 512GB RAM and 2 NVIDIA A100 GPUs

  • 5 batch/interactive dual 32-core AMD compute nodes, each with 256GB RAM and 1 NVIDIA A100 GPU

  • 2 batch/interactive dual 32-core AMD compute nodes, each with 512GB RAM and 1 NVIDIA A40 GPU


The batch nodes on Nightingale are diskless; the OS and /tmp/ take up some of the RAM. User processes in batch jobs do not have every bit of physical RAM available while running.


  • 880 TB of high-speed parallel Lustre-based storage