Login Methods

After you have an account on Nightingale, log in to the system using an Secure Shell (SSH) client on your local desktop or laptop. Because of the added security for Nightingale, you will first log in to Nightingale’s secure node and then log in to a general access login node or, for groups that have them, a specialized interactive node.

Node Hostnames

Secure Node Hostname


General Access Login Nodes Hostnames


Specialized Interactive Node Hostname


NODENAME will be something of the form ng-ai22, ng-gpu-h35, or ng-gpu-m37.


  • Your PI can tell you if your allocation has a specialized interactive node and if so, its hostname.

  • All Nightingale users have access to the general access login nodes (ng-login01 and ng-login02). These nodes are a shared resource for all system users, limit your use of them to editing, compiling, and building your programs.

General Login Process

To log in to Nightingale, establish an SSH connection to the secure node and then establish an SSH connection to your login or interactive node. These are the steps:

  1. If you are not on campus, connect to the University of Illinois VPN or NCSA VPN (see Access Nightingale using a VPN).

  2. ssh to the secure node ngale-bastion-1.ncsa.illinois.edu. (Replace <your_username> with your NCSA identity username.)

    ssh <your_username>@ngale-bastion-1.ncsa.illinois.edu
  3. Enter your NCSA (Kerberos) password. Note, the terminal will not show your password (or placeholder symbols such as asterisks [*]) as you type.

  4. Enter 1 to send a push to the Duo app on your phone.

  5. Approve the push request on your phone.

    After you approve the push, you will be at a prompt on the ngale-bastion-1 node that will look similar to:

    [<your_username>@ngale-bastion-1 ~]$
  6. ssh to your login or interactive node using the appropriate hostname, following this syntax:

    ssh <your_username>@ng-<node_name>

    For example, this is the command for a user with the username hirop and the node name CPU03:

    ssh hirop@ng-CPU03

Jump Host Login Method

You can combine the secure and login node ssh commands into one by specifying the secure node as a jump host. The jump host is used to connect to your destination node without needing to execute the ssh command twice.

ssh -J <your_username>@ngale-bastion-1.ncsa.illinois.edu <your_username>@ng-<login_node>

For example, user test1 can log in to the Nightingale login node astro07 with the following command:

ssh -J [email protected] test1@ng-astro07

After you enter the ssh command:

  1. Enter your NCSA (Kerberos) password, when prompted.

  2. Approve the NCSA Duo push notification on your phone.

  3. Again, enter your NCSA (Kerberos) password, when prompted.

Command-line SSH Clients

SSH is a client-server architecture that provides a secure channel over an unsecured network. An SSH client is a program for securely logging in to and executing commands on a remote machine. SSH encrypts the data sent over an open network, such as the internet, so that it can’t be read by others.

Several SSH clients are available for accessing Nightingale. The client you use will depend on your workstation’s operating system.

Microsoft Windows

You can use the built-in SSH Client in Windows (version 10 and later) or select from several freely available third-party SSH clients. Third-party clients typically provide a graphical user interface (GUI) rather than a command-line interface. PuTTY is a popular choice; MobaXterm is another one.

Mac OS X

Mac OS X comes with a built-in open-source version of SSH called OpenSSH; access it via the Terminal application. PuTTY is also available for Mac OS X.


Linux has SSH built into it, use the Linux terminal application to connect via SSH. PuTTY is also available for Linux.

Access Nightingale using a VPN


If your login freezes when you try to log in to Nightingale, this may be your problem. Please try one of these VPN methods.

To access Nightingale off campus, you first need to set up and activate either the University of Illinois VPN or the NCSA VPN.

If you log in to Nightingale from the University of Illinois campus, you don’t need to use a VPN.

University of Illinois VPN

If you are a member of the University of Illinois, you can use the University of Illinois VPN service. You will authenticate to the VPN service itself using your University NetID, password, and two-factor authentication (2FA).


If you don’t have a University of Illinois NetID, you will need to use the NCSA VPN.

X Window Servers

Originally developed for Unix, the X Window System allows a program on one computer to open windows on another computer’s screen (usually your desktop/laptop). The program that runs on the Nightingale is called the client. The program that runs on your desktop/laptop computer is called the server. X Window servers are available for Microsoft Windows, Mac, and Unix/Linux.

One-Time Setup

Before logging in to Nightingale, complete these one-time steps to set up the connection.

XQuartz allows you to use an application from Nightingale and have its windows on your own computer.

  1. Download and install XQuartz.

  2. Open the Terminal application on your Mac.

  3. Enter the following command into the terminal:

    cd ~/.ssh
  4. Enter the following command into the terminal:

    nano config

    This will bring you into an editor program that looks like this:

    UW PICO 5.09                            File: config
    ^G Get Help   ^O WriteOut   ^R Read File  ^Y Prev Pg    ^K Cut Text   ^C Cur Pos
    ^X Exit       ^J Justify    ^W Where is   ^V Next Pg    ^U UnCut Text ^T To Spell

    This editor allows you to edit a configuration file that sets up connections to the outside world, so you don’t have to type as much all the time.

  5. Copy and paste the following configuration file code block into your terminal. Before you run it, you will modify the code in the next steps.

    Host ngb1
      HostName ngale-bastion-1.ncsa.illinois.edu
      ControlMaster auto
      ControlPath /tmp/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r
      ControlPersist 5h
    Host ng-login01
      HostName ng-login01.ngale.internal.ncsa.edu
      ProxyJump ngb1
  6. Use the arrow keys to position your cursor and make the following modifications:

    1. Replace YOUR_USERNAME with your NCSA identity username.

    2. If you have an interactive node assigned to you, you can add second copy of the last stanza of the configuration file; in that stanza, replace ng-login01 with the name of your interactive node.

    For example, a user with username hirop and the assigned interactive node ng-gpu-x07 would have the following configuration file:

    Host ngb1
      HostName ngale-bastion-1.ncsa.illinois.edu
      ControlMaster auto
      ControlPath /tmp/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r
      ControlPersist 5h
      User hirop
    Host ng-login01
      HostName ng-login01.ngale.internal.ncsa.edu
      ProxyJump ngb1
      User hirop
    Host ng-gpu-x07
      HostName ng-gpu-x07.ngale.internal.ncsa.edu
      ProxyJump ngb1
      User hirop
  7. After you finish modifying the file, press Control+O to write the file.

  8. Press return (or Enter) to confirm the file name.

  9. Press Control+X to exit the editor and you are back at the prompt.

Log in to Nightingale

After the preceding one-time setup is complete, follow these steps each time you want to log in to Nightingale.

  1. Enter the following into the terminal (if you are logging in to an interactive node, replace ng-login01 with the name of that interactive node):

    ssh -X ng-login01

    If you see a message that begins “The authenticity of host….” and ends with “Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?”, enter yes.

  2. Enter your NCSA (Kerberos) password at the prompt. Note, the terminal will not show your password (or placeholder symbols such as asterisks [*]) as you type.

  3. There will be a Duo prompt asking for a passcode or for “option 1”. You may either:

    • Enter 1 and approve the Duo push notification on your phone.


    • Enter a 6-digit passcode from the NCSA entry of your Duo app.

  4. Again, enter your NCSA (Kerberos) password at the prompt. Note, the terminal will not show your password (or placeholder symbols such as asterisks [*]) as you type.

  5. You should have a prompt that reflects that you are on a Nightingale node. It will include @ng- and look similar to this example for user hirop on node ng-gpu-m01:

    [hirop@ng-gpu-m01 ~] $

    You can load modules, run software, and access your files from here.