Account and Allocation Managment

Who is eligible to request a allocation on Hydro?

Hydro allocations are limited to Illinois Computes and NFI projects. Please see the NCSA Services - Hydro page for additional information on non-NFI funded access to the Hydro cluster. If you are part of an allocated NFI project and would like access to the Hydro cluster, please submit a support request with a justification for your need to use the cluster.

Illinois Computes Participation

Illinois Computes projects can be granted access to the Hydro system by selecting it as their desired resource when submitting a request to the Illinois Computes program. Please see Illinois computes for more information on submitting a request.

Adding Users to Your Allocation

PIs can add and remove users from their allocation using the NCSA group management interface. PIs can delegate the ability to manage users to other project members once those accounts are added to the project. Please refer to NCSA documentation for additional help with the group management interface.


Group membership changes may take up to 15 minutes to synchronize the changes with Hydro.

NCSA Account Managment

You can manage your NCSA identity (change email, password, Duo device, etc) through the NCSA Identity and group management tools.

Each Hydro user will be a member of at least one allocated project which will map to a group on the Hydro system.

NCSA Duo setup

For instructions on how to activate your NCSA Duo account, see Duo at NCSA. To check if your NCSA Duo is working properly, log into the NCSA Duo portal and choose an authentication method.