Data Management

File Systems

Storage on TGI RAILS is split into three types of spaces:

  • A user specific home directory, $HOME, located at /u/$USER. One per user with no option for sharing data with other users.

  • Project shared space located at /projects/WXYZ. By default all project group members share access (and quota) in this space.

  • Job specific temporary space located on each node during execution of the job.

For example, a user (with username auser) who has an allocated project with a local project serial code abcd (a three or four character code) will see the entries shown below in their $HOME and in the /projects file systems. To determine the project code please use the accounts command.

Directory access changes can be made using the facl command. Contact if you need assistance with enabling access to specific users and projects.

$ ls -ld /u/$USER
drwxrwx---+ 12 root root 12345 Feb 21 11:54 /u/$USER

$ ls -ld /projects/abcd
drwxrws---+  45 root   tgirails_abcd      4096 Feb 21 11:54 /projects/abcd

$ ls -l /projects/abcd
total 0
drwxrws---+ 2 auser tgirails_abcd 6 Feb 21 11:54 auser
drwxrws---+ 2 buser tgirails_abcd 6 Feb 21 11:54 buser

To avoid issues when file systems become unstable or non-responsive, we recommend not putting symbolic links from $HOME to the /projects space.

/tmp on compute nodes (job duration):

The high performance ssd storage (740GB cpu, 1.5TB gpu) is available in /tmp (unique to each node and job – not a shared filesystem) and may contain less than the expected free space if the node(s) are running multiple jobs. Codes that need to perform I/O to many small files should target /tmp on each node of the job and save results to other filesystems before the job ends, paying attention to avoid filename collisions.

Transferring Data

To transfer files to and from the TGI RAILS system :

GUI apps need to support DUO 2-factor authentication

Many GUI applications that support ssh/scp/sftp will work with DUO. A good first step is to use the interactive (not stored/saved) password option with those apps. The interactive login should present you with the 1st password prompt (your kerberos password) followed by the 2nd password prompt for DUO (push to device or passcode from DUO app).

  • scp - to be used for small to modest transfers to avoid impacting the usability of the RAILS login node (

  • rsync - to be used for small to modest transfers to avoid impacting the usability of the RAILS login node.

  • Globus - to be used for large data transfers including transfering data between file systems.

    If transfering from your own system install Globus Connect Personal (minimum version is 3.2.0)

    • Use the TGI RAILS collection “TGI RAILS”.

    • Please see the following documentation on using Globus

Accessing and Transferring Files

Transferring a Few Small Files

These tools are suitable for a few (typically less than 1000) files and in total less than 100 GB. If your transfers using these tools take more than 15 minutes, please consider using Globus instead.

If you use a Windows machine, you can transfer files back and forth between your machine and TGI RAILS using an application called “WinSCP”. You’ll have to download it and install it. When you open WinSCP, you’ll need to log into the TGI RAILS login node as your “remote” node, using your username, password, and 2FA as usual. Once you’ve logged in, WinSCP will work like a drag and drop interface for moving files.

The program Secure CoPy (SCP) can be used to securely transfer files between TGI RAILS and other systems. SCP is built into all Mac and most Windows computers. You can find tutorials online for using SCP. The important thing you need to know is the full pathname of the file(s) that you’re wanting to move on the machine where they’re coming from, and the full pathname of where you want the files to go.

As an example, you want to move a file called “my_input_file.dat” from your local computer to TGI RAILS. You want to put it in a directory on TGI RAILS which is “/u/auser/input_files”. First, open a terminal or command prompt. Change directories to where the file is, so that if you run the “ls” command, the file you want to transfer is listed.

$ cd outgoing_data
$ ls

Now securely copy the file to TGI RAILS using the following command:

scp ./my_input_file.dat

The output will prompt you for your kerberos password, ask you to initiate a 2FA confirmation (or else ask for a passcode). If you authentication is successful, it will transfer the file, printing out progress as it does so.

Transferring Many or Large Files With Globus

Globus is a web-based file transfer system that works in the background to move files between systems with “Globus Endpoints”. TGI RAILS’s Globus endpoint is called “TGI RAILS”. To transfer files to and from your directories using Globus, you will have to authenticate that endpoint, using your NCSA username, password, and NCSA account on Duo.

One-time Setup

You will need to set up a separate account on, that will have a username and a separate password. To use Globus to transfer files to and from TGI RAILS, if you haven’t already, you will need to “link” your new Globus account with your NCSA identity. Log into, click on “Account” in the left sidebar, then click on the “Identities” tab. If your NCSA username and email address is not in that list, then click “Link Another Identity” in the upper right to link it.

Sharing Files with Collaborators

Access Controls

Quotas and Policies

/u/$HOME (unshared space, 5TB default quota)

/projects/WXYZ (project shared space, 50TB default quota)